Elizabeth Wakefield (Chair)

Lynn Call (Vice-Chair)

Jean Buckley (Secretary)

Marian Reeves (Treasurer)

Sandy Earner (Speaker Secretary)

Sylvia Edwards (Membership Secretary)

Phil Buckley (Committee Member)

Wendy Miller-Williams (Committee Member)

Alan Byrom (Committee Member)
The name of the organisation shall be Frome Third Age (F3A).
To provide an organisation for the over 50s age group, for social companionship
and enjoyment by the provision of monthly meetings, talks, visits and group
activities. F3A is non-profit making, non-political, decidedly non-commercial
and unaffiliated to any other organisation.
Open to any person over 50 years of age residing in Frome and the surrounding district.
- The business of F3A shall be conducted by the Committee, which shall comprise:
Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Speaker Secretary, Membership Secretary and Treasurer.
- The Committee shall, within the framework of the Constitution, make such rules
and regulations as are necessary for the running of F3A.
- The Committee shall have powers to co-opt such members as they consider necessary for
the running of F3A.
- Apart from briefings at the monthly meetings, a Newsletter will be published in March and
September, outlining F3A programme and activities.
- Membership subscription is due in January.
- Any member who has not paid by the end of February will be deemed to have excluded themselves
and will not be eligible to participate in any F3A activity.
- The Committee will determine membership fees annually.
- Prospective members will be allowed to attend for one meeting before the annual subscription
is payable.
- New members joining after 1st July will pay half subscription for that year.
- New members joining after 1st October will pay a full annual subscription that will
cover the succeeding year.
- New members will be issued with a copy of the F3A Constitution booklet.
- The officers of F3A shall be full members and shall consist of the Chairperson,
Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Speaker Secretary, Membership Secretary and Treasurer.
Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and with the exception of the
Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, hold office for one year. The Chairperson and
Vice-Chairperson shall hold office for two years.
- Nominations in respect of officers shall be made in writing and received by the
Secretary not less than one month before the Annual General Meeting. All nominations
must be proposed and seconded and agreed by the nominee. Officers willing to stand
for a further period will be accepted without further nomination. In the event of
more than one nomination for a committee post, a 'show of hands' ballot will be held.
An auditor shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
- The Financial Year shall run from 1st January to 31st December.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping a complete and accurate account of
the finances and for submitting an audited copy of the balance sheet to be included in the March Newsletter.
- Any monies belonging to F3A, other than required for administrative purposes,
shall be lodged with a bank of the Committee's choice and may
only be withdrawn on the signature of any two of the nominated signatories, namely
the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. The Treasurer has sole authority to use
internet banking. Payments by BACS to be authorised by an approved signatory.
- Meetings will be held monthly on the
second Friday between 2.00pm and 4.00pm, unless otherwise notified.
- The Annual General Meeting will be held in January.
- Committee Meetings will be held at the discretion of the Chairperson.
- A meeting of the Committee and Group Co-ordinators will be held at least once a year.
- In addition to the monthly meetings, other activities will be arranged as required
or proposed by members.
- Any activity will be the responsibility of a co-ordinator who will determine
membership, venue, date and time of the activity.
- Various activities form part of the F3A programme and are published
in the bi-annual Newsletter and on the F3A website.
- New groups can be proposed at any time, but their viability must first be determined
by a co-ordinator. All groups should be self-sustaining and no commitment to financial
outlay must be assumed, unless expressly authorised by the Committee.
- Participation in group activities is undertaken at members' own risk. F3A can take no
responsibility for injuries or mishaps sustained during meetings or events.
- Any member acting in a manner deemed to be detrimental to the interests of F3A shall
be liable to expulsion by the Committee, provided that the Committee has given the member
an opportunity to explain their conduct and defend themselves, at a meeting called for
that purpose. At least 75% of the Committee must be present and at least 66% of those present
must agree with any decision taken.
- The member may, if they so wish, appeal to the members at a general meeting called
for that purpose.
- Any alteration to the Constitution shall be put before members at an Annual General
Meeting and their acceptance or rejection shall be decided by a majority vote.
- Notice of any alteration or addition to the Constitution must be proposed and
given in writing to the Secretary not less than fourteen days before the Annual
General Meeting.
If, in the opinion of the Committee, F3A is no longer sustainable, any assets remaining
at dissolution shall be donated to local charities. The Committee shall determine the
Participation in Frome Third Age activities is undertaken at members' own risk.
F3A can take no responsibility for injuries or mishaps sustained during meetings or events.